The in-house laboratory is the key that provides the assurance of a high quality product. Manned by top quality professionals, a team of chemists carry out the day to day rigorous and meticulous work to ensure that the entire step by step process is exercised as per cGMP guidelines.

From the thoughtful and careful scrutiny of every single batch of raw material that comes into the facility, to the various steps that are required to qualify the batch before it gets into production, to supervising the production of a batch throughout its manufacturing process until its completion and release, the ever conscious alert team of Quality Assurance and Quality Control does it all.

At the end of the day, the goal is to produce a high quality product that is stable, safe and pure.

A state of the art laboratory is extremely well equipped to carry out the various tests that are mandatory. This includes the identification of the ingredient, microbial and heavy metal analysis to ensure its safety, assaying the product to ensure it meets the label claim etc.

Remember, quality is affordable.